Thursday, June 23, 2005

It May Have Taken 40 years, But Justice Has at Last Been Served.. Maybe..

41 Years After Three Murders, A Nation Puts To Rest Unfinished Business
Posted by Hello
The FBI distributed this poster in June 1964 announcing the disappearance of Andrew Goodman, James Earl Chaney and Michael Henry Schwerner. Their murders galvanized the civil rights movement.

I still recall my shock and horror at the film version of events, I’m sure glad I didn’t live in the American Deep South during those turbulent times full of hatred and anger.

These three men were shot to death, their station wagon was then torched, and their bodies bulldozed 17 feet under an earthen dam. Wow.

I’m happy that Edgar Ray Killen has been found guilty at last after never serving more than six years for his crimes, but why manslaughter and not murder?

Details of the timeline regarding this case can be found

Maybe Mississippi can at last bury it’s shameful past…