Saturday, December 31, 2005

Karen Apologises For Dissing Nora... JD Robb Rocks!

OK, I can admit when I’m wrong.

I’ve had three of Nora Ro- er JD Robb’s ‘In Death’ books on my TBR list forever. I had to go to the Doctor’s on Wednesday, so I randomly selected Judgment In Death to keep me from passing out from boredom, whilst I was sat in the waiting room.

And thank Lucifer I did. Nora, even if I never read any of your other books again, as we speak, I am now ordering every single In Death book you have out.

Yes folks, I fucking LOVED it!!!

Eve and Roarke rock!!!

All I have to do now is to start where I should have started in the first place. At the beginning. I believe the first book is Naked In Death…