Wednesday, August 15, 2007

When Karen Met Lori...

So, TTG and I met up with Lori from Let’s Gab, and Don’t Talk, Just Read on Monday evening. We met in Nottingham, which is approximately two hours away from where we live, so we decided to stay in a hotel for the night.

It was really quite wonderful meeting Lori, and her hubby. They were both charming, and fun to talk to.

During the five hours we spent together (most of it in the Hardock Café in Nottingham) we covered a variety of subjects, including books (of course) politics, religion, Hilary Clinton, BDSM books, and George Bush. The conversation about George Bush was fascinating. We also commiserated with Lori and Hubby on the state of the US Dollar against the British Pound. (Seriously $2.25 for £1? Sheesh.)

Incidentally, Lori and I decided that we really just don’t get BDSM, and paranormals aren’t our cup of tea at all, and that Samhain have the best e-books at the moment. I love her like a fat kid loves cake.

The men ganged up on us, and sympathised with each other with regards to our obsession with books. TTG bitched and exaggerated about my daily deliveries from Amazon, and Lori’s hubby did the same.

We had a great time, and there was no lull in the conversation at all. Isn’t it lovely when that happens?

All in all, we certainly had a great time, TTG found somebody with whom he could share his love of all things historical, and I found somebody who knows the importance of finding a good quality hotel. Not bad eh?
