Friday, December 14, 2007

Hey Look, Blogger Got Smart...

I think my rather caustic e-mail to Blogger HQ must have worked, seeing as they've decided to allow other non-blogger users to sign in. *g*

commenting is now available for all Blogger blogs. This means that your friends and readers can leave authenticated comments on your blog using their blog URLs from OpenID-enabled services such as, LiveJournal, and AOL Journals, or with their AOL/AIM accounts.

We've chosen a few popular OpenID providers to highlight on the comments form, but OpenID is, well, "open"! You can use any OpenID service to post a comment by choosing "Any OpenID" and filling in your OpenID URL.

Does this mean that you don't have to have a Googlemail account to subscribe to comments I wonder?

Anyhoo, the wisest decision they've made for a while, as a lot of Blogger users were about to revolt.

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