Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Not-So-Short Rant On Rubbish Review Sites

There are two review sites that are currently in operation, that I just don’t get.
Cupid’s Library and and Mon Boudoir have to be the worst review sites that I have ever had the displeasure of visiting.
To be fair on Cupid’s, their website is actually quite nice, it’s easy to navigate, and the cupids are a nice touch. However that’s where it ends.

Having read quite a few of the reviews, I’ve decided that ‘some’ (not all mind you) of the reviewers, either haven’t read some of the books they are charged with reviewing, or they have clearly misunderstood the premise of some of the books.

I find it jaw-droppingly amazing that they extoll the virtues of some books, that I myself would have relegated to my toilet bowl, whilst at the same time condemning books, that I, amongst others have cherished.

There is a particular reviewer at Cupids who really needs to rethink her status as book reviewer, she has reviewed several books, and all of her reviews have a common theme. They are unprofessional, in the main, and dare I say, make no sense whatsoever. If you don’t believe me, check out her review on AQ Fredrichs’ ‘Joanna’s Challenge’, which wasn’t the greatest book by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m not sure it deserved the unprofessional review that it received from this reviewer. I’m allowed to use words like ‘crap’ to describe a book, but I’m not putting myself up there as a professional reviewer, plus this is my own personal blog, so I can say what I want.

There was also a review of a book that I personally thought was fantastic, (JERR had given this book 2 Goldstars) but the reviewer seemed to disagree (I say ‘seemed’ due to the fact that she gave the book 4 cupids, whilst at the same time made some strange comments on the content...) This review got me so mad, I went to their site and left a message in their guest book, telling them that I completely disagreed with the reviewers analysis of the story.

I noticed that there were other negative comments too, and guess what, I just went and visited their review site, and noticed that they had deleted my comments, as well as the other negative comments. It struck me as particularly funny that the last positive comment they had about their website was left on the 12th April by an author, I think that says a lot don’t you?

As for Mon Boudoir, what can I say? It made perfect sense to me when I found out that the same reviewers who had been at Mon Boudoir, were the same ones who had decided to break away and form Cupid’s Library. Therefore, all of the above comments apply.

No wonder I’m particularly scornful of reviews, they are just far too subjective. Everybody’s got an opinion, it’s just that some people express them better than others!
I would strongly advise the editors of both, Mon Boudoir and Cupids Library, to actually do their job, and edit the reviews before they are released, this may save them some embarrassment in the long run. Oh, and also sack at least two of the reviewers there!