Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturday Night At The Movies: Mission Impossible III

We enjoyed the film.

The thing is, you know exactly what you're going to get: High octane action, over the top storyline, and superb special affects and stunts. Even Tom I'm-Off-My-Rocker Cruise made me forget for a couple of hours that he's as mad as ten badgers.

I spent most of the film admiring this guy here. His name is Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. His character was called Declan, and he was one of Ethan Hunt's IMF side-kicks. He totally did it for me. Don't you just love his eyes?

He played Joe in Bend It Like Beckham, and I recall thinking then that he was definitely good eye-candy. He's not conventionally good-looking, but there's just something about him... Part of the attraction is that he's Irish, and I lurve me some Irish men. I think he'd make a perfect romance hero.

Which actor does it for you in terms of the perfect romantic hero?

Nobody's allowed to say George Clooney, cuz that man is just old, and he loves himself too much.

OK, off to bed now cuz I'm knackered.