Oh Come On... Not Another One?
I wouldn’t mind, but she’s not even getting mad over a review of a book she wrote, she’s getting mad over a less than complimentary review of somebody else’s book.
Why would you expend that much energy on somebody else’s behalf? Increased blog traffic maybe? (g)
Anyway, she starts:
I’m still gritting my teeth over two reviews I read recently. I behaved though; I didn’t morph into a blog idjet and stomp my feet and foam at the mouth all over someone else’s blog. Nah – I reserve that pleasure for here. Okay – the cursing spewing from my brain right now is harsh even for here.
OK, she at least had the good grace to warn us, we here at Karen Scott Central love us some good manners.
She then continues with this slightly obvious tirade:
On Bam’s blog, there’s ANOTHER review of Bitch Mountain. Pretty much the same review Bam did but with more NASTY (rhymes with tasty – see blog dictionary) tossed in for flavor. It’s one thing to review a story and say you didn’t care for it and poke some fun at it in a snarky, humorous way.
It’s another to drop your drawers and take a shit all over it. All I could think when I read the review was “you Mean bitch.” I like bitches. Some of my best friends are TOTAL bitches. I enjoy refining my own bitchiness into an art form. That was just pure ugly bitch.
Bam hunny bunny, is she talking about you? How dare she? You’re not ugly at all, you’re hotness personified, and if I was that way inclined, I’d totally do you. Can I set her pubic hair on fire for telling such dastardly untruths? Can I, can I? No? Ok then.
Anyway, she carries on, cuz ya know… she’s reeeeal mad, and she .. ya know… wants us to know how mad she reeeeally is:
AND (oh yeah – we’re not done with this rant) if that wasn’t bad enough, the reviewer made at least two references to how “Surprised” and “OMG!” she couldn’t BELIEVE she liked Darragha’s story. Was that supposed to be a little sugar covering the stink of that review? PUUULLEASE!
She seems to forget that authors clamour for Bam to read their books. They know the score, the problem is, they think that their book is soo good that everybody and his pet mouse are gonna love it. *Sigh* When will these people learn?
I particularly liked this next bit, it made me want to laugh out loud.
Another review that torqued me off because the reviewer was just plain old-fashioned dense was the review of Megan Hart’s “Dirty” which just came out. I’m almost finished reading it now and when I read the review on Dear Author, I was stunned and thought WTF?
Jayne totally trashed the novel. Okay. So she REALLY didn’t like it. Fine. But her comments made me wonder if she had read it or did a speed read skimming. Or has her life been so perfect and without the slightest taint of trauma that she couldn’t comprehend the character’s struggle to overcome the psychological scars she’s carried since childhood.
Dammit Jayne, you’re such a total bitch. How dare you not love, LOVE the freaking book? How dare you! Now go and stand in the corner until you can play nicely with the other fucktards.
Anyway, she goes a little pyschotic, and tries to explain what was so freaking fantabulous about the book that that bitch, Jayne, hated. It went on for a while, so I just kinda skimmed. I have this short excerpt for you to enjoy however:
Megan Hart did a phenomenal job in writing this story and touching on a topic that just isn’t discussed, by those who are broken, those who broke them or those who silently watched and didn't do a damn thing to help.
You know, I’ve never read a Megan Hart book, but that paragraph alone would have stopped me from ever picking one of her books up. I’m contrary that way.
To top it off, she finished off with this little gem:
Oh, oh! And THEN to top off what was a completely ignorant review, the reviewer takes jabs at another author in the comments portion that had praised the work. Lauren Dane (another author I read EVERYTHING she writes) is a friend of Megan’s and wrote a strong, positive review.
Somehow the fact that they are friends was an issue for the reviewer. So she not only crapped all over Megan’s book, she started crapping on her reviews. Not someone I can take seriously from now on. It must be nice to be so perfect.
Hee hee hee.
You know honey, it really is OK for people not to like the same things. Really, it is. Now get back into that lovely beige-coloured, lace-up jacket before those temperamental people in the white coats come lookin for ya, go on, quickly now. There’s a good girl.
Dontcha just love having your own blog? You can say lots of mean things, and if anybody bitches about it, you can just tell them that it’s your blog and you’ll say what you want to. *Happy sigh*.
Life is good.
How are you doin today? (g)